Thursday, July 1, 2021

Very Good News

The Supreme Court, which has been indifferently reliable of late, just handed down an excellent decision. Politico reports they decided certain state election integrity measures are constitutional.

In a pair of high-profile cases from Arizona, the justices split 6-3 along ideological lines, with the majority concluding that a disparate impact on minority groups would typically not be enough to render voting rules illegal under the act.

The decision, addressing Arizona’s bans on out-of-precinct voting and a practice critics call “ballot harvesting,” is likely to complicate legal challenges Democrats and civil rights groups are mounting to new voting restrictions Republicans are seeking to implement in states across the country.

How can we be certain this is good news? Politico quotes President Biden's reaction: 

In a span of just eight years, the Court has now done severe damage to two of the most important provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 – a law that took years of struggle and strife to secure.

Analysis: In our current zero-sum environment, Biden's negative opinion makes it very good news.