Monday, July 26, 2021

Trend Line Downslope

Byron York, a frequent panelist on Bret Baier's Fox News show, writes for the Washington Examiner about recent Gallup poll numbers which show President Biden's popularity declining rather abruptly in the last three months, especially with Independents. York also cites an ABC/Ipsos poll which finds pessimism about the nation's future is up a significant amount. York concludes:

Many Democrats (are) urging Biden to hurry up and push his agenda through Congress as quickly as possible, before his ratings decline more. The president is politically weaker today than he was three months ago, and he will likely be weaker still three months from now.

If Mitch McConnell can hold the fort for a few months more, the worst then could be behind us. Imagine if you were a Democrat concerned whether POTUS can keep it together for 3.5 more years. "Worried" wouldn't begin to describe your feelings. Hat tip to Power Line for the link.