Saturday, July 17, 2021

Saturday Snark

The best snark is truth so bitter if you didn’t laugh you’d cry. Essayist Don Surber weighs in with the following prime example, and credit for the link goes to Instapundit.

In just 5 months, Biden has pushed the Misery Index from 8.06 to 11.3. He is entering the Jimmy Carter Zone.

For those who don’t remember, the Misery Index is computed by adding the unemployment rate to the rate of inflation. The two components immiserate different segments of the electorate. 

Unemployment hurts those out of jobs and those paying taxes to support them. Inflation hurts primarily those with cash savings and that segment of the employed whose wages rise less quickly than do prices.

Jimmy Carter is the "disaster Democrat" other Democrats are compared to when they screw up. Likewise, Herbert Hoover was the "disaster Republican" hapless Republicans were compared to for several decades in the mid-twentieth century.