Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Former Cop Wins NYC Mayoral Primary

Eric Adams, a Black former NYPD captain, has won the Democrat primary, and therefore is likely to win the race for NYC mayor. What remains to be seen is whether he will take the city back to the proactive "broken windows" policing that held down crime under mayors Bloomberg and Giuliani.

Given the ranked choice system in place, he ended up winning by a narrow margin, just over 8000 votes or 1%. A Bloomberg story has this insight about Adams:

During his campaign, Adams pledged support for a modified version of stop-and-frisk -- which has disproportionately affected Black men -- and said he would restore a plainclothes police unit tasked with confiscating illegal weapons that was disbanded after complaints it used excessive force. Police reform, he said, would come through his leadership of the department and better training rather than taking away money from the police force.

Perhaps the pendulum is swinging away from "defund the police" and toward "law and order" - one can hope. As mayor, De Blasio has been a dumpster fire.