Wednesday, October 4, 2023

A Superpower Indeed

Peachy Keenan writes at The American Mind that marriage is the secret to a happy life and successful children.

According to a 2019 study by the Institute for Family Studies:

  • “Sixty-two percent of conservatives are married as compared to 39% of liberals. 
  • Eighty percent of conservatives say that strong families require marriage as compared to 33% of liberals.
It’s the mysterious choice two people make to enter an ancient legal arrangement. Most of us do it for romantic reasons, but that’s just the pheromones talking. It’s an arrangement that confers an immediate economic boost—and frees up all the time the couple used to spend seeking dates, allowing them to focus time and energy on raising children and building wealth.

It’s one of the only levers the shrinking middle class retains to keep themselves from sinking into the Bidenomic mire of poverty. The fervent belief in marriage as the best possible lifestyle for your thirties and beyond is a superpower.
As you might imagine, I agree.