Wednesday, October 11, 2023


You read that those who favor the Palestinians call Gaza an open air prison, which is at least somewhat true. In the peaceful interludes between the sadly routine spasms of violence, Israel doesn’t allow the Palestinian Arabs resident therein free access to Israel. Sometimes some select few can get work permits to seek higher paying employment in Israel.

What those who advocate for Palestine fail to tell you is that Gaza’s southern border abuts thoroughly Islamic Egypt, whose control of the border may be even tighter than Israel’s. The Egyptians are no more enamored of Palestinians wandering their country than are the Israelis.

Israel captured the so-called “Gaza Strip” from Egypt during one of its wars with the surrounding Arab countries. Given Gaza’s current population, Egypt wisely doesn’t want it back, probably wouldn’t take it if offered. 

Israel didn’t want it either so they pulled out leaving Hamas to run the place and breed martyrs. This attack may have been sufficient to encourage Israel to facilitate their martyrdom, which of course the world will roundly condemn as disproportionate. 

Later: Hot Air explains the background of Egypt’s attitude toward Gaza here.