Thursday, October 5, 2023

Trump Was Right

Today's most pleasant story is the report that the Biden administration has decided they need to build some 20 more miles of border wall in Texas. And to do so the DHS is suspending 26 federal regulations to get it done in an expeditious fashion.

All this after President Biden announcing on his first day in office that the U.S. "would not build another mile of border wall" while he occupied the Oval Office. Rack up another promise not kept.

The reason for the flip-flop is obvious. Illegal crossings of the border have reached levels never anticipated and the Democrat mayors of large cities are criticizing their President for his failure to stop it.

President Trump was right to build the wall. It's too bad he couldn't finish it in one term. As one pundit commented today, "walls work, that is why there is one around the White House."