Tuesday, October 3, 2023

About Ukraine

George Friedman writes about the Ukraine war, and his views ring true to me. See what you think, what follows is a sort of overview of the two sides:

Both spoke of offenses and launched them, but held back power sufficient to maintain their own defenses. So, we have seen a sort of frozen war, in which the need to hold positions makes it impossible to commit enough force to achieve the initial goals.

The U.S. reached its goal, while Russia and Ukraine have not and will not. However, neither have they been crushed.

Everyone lost this war, and in due course so will the leaders. And that is what will delay the inevitable peace.

Unless the Russians tire and go home, as they did in Afghanistan. Hat tip to RealClearWorld for the link.

See also this chart posted at Power Line by Steven Hayward, which pictorially represents the stalemate described by Friedman above.