Sunday, May 10, 2020

An Interesting Factoid

Matt Margolis writes at PJ Media the following concerning the poll numbers of our two most recent presidents. Hat tip to for the link.
According to Rasmussen Reports, Trump’s approval rating for May 8, 2020, stands at 49 percent amongst likely voters. Eight years ago, when Barack Obama was up for reelection, his approval stood at 47 percent.
Obama had excellent, positive media coverage but was a mediocre president; Trump has mostly terrible, negative media coverage but has been a largely successful president. That they are as close as this is a measure of the impact of press coverage, which is virtually always in the tank for Democrats.

Presidents normally get reelected for a second term. In my long memory, only two elected presidents tried but failed to win a second term: Carter and Bush I. Obama got reelected with a 47% approval, it’s likely Trump can get elected with a 49% approval.