Saturday, May 2, 2020

Why Entrap Flynn?

Andrew C. McCarthy has been one of the invaluable voices on understanding the whole bogus Trump-as-Russian-asset smokescreen thrown up by Obama-era holdovers. His work normally appears at National Review.

Today he has a long, thorough column detailing his deconstruction of the motive for the FBI entrapment of Michael Flynn. Check out his reasoning.
How could the FBI sustain an investigation targeting the president when the president would have the power to shut the investigation down?

The only way the bureau could pull that off would be to conceal from the president the fullness of the Russia investigation — in particular, the fact that Trump was the target. That is why Flynn had to go.

President Trump was a political phenomenon but a novice when it came to governance. (snip) The staff he brought into the government consisted mainly of loyalists. There were some skilled advisers, too, but their experience was not in the national-security realm.

The exception was Flynn. The former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency knew how the spy agencies worked. He knew where and how they kept secrets.

The FBI did not start out with that perjury-trap plan. They ended up with the perjury-trap plan because there was no practical alternative if the bureau was to achieve its objective — the withholding of information about Russia from the incoming Trump team, in order to keep the Trump–Russia investigation alive.

The goal was to get Flynn to lie. Not to lie so they’d have leverage to threaten a prosecution and thus pressure Flynn to reveal vital evidence he’d been concealing. They wanted him to lie for the sake of lying — so they could get rid of him.
It is probably best to view McCarthy’s argument as a reasonable hypothesis, rather than as proven fact for the moment at least. Perhaps subsequent prosecution will show it to be fact.

Motives of evildoers are not always discernible, and the Obama administration was well-supplied with evildoers: Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Rice, and Jarrett were all-stars of the Obama coven. Slo Joe Biden was more of a mascot.