Sunday, May 17, 2020

Editorial Note

You may have noticed that COTTonLINE pays what might seem undue attention to California, especially for a blogger domiciled in Wyoming. On a slow news Sunday I concluded it would be useful to explain the “why” of this extra interest.

It begins with me being a CA native, having lived and worked there most of my life. I suppose I consider myself a CA expat, part of the CA ‘diaspora’ now happily resident in WY.

I have a genuine fondness for CA - the vastly varied physical place. It has world class scenery, mountains and beaches, and next-to-no sticky humidity. Snow is something most Californians visit, not live with.

Fondness for CA - the political structure of the last several decades? Not even a little. For CA - the inhabitants - less and less as time passes.

CA is the residence of fully 1/8 of the U.S. population plus it has long-time reputation as a trend-setter. What happens in CA is hard to ignore. Sadly, these days, it is often even harder to like.

Comes to mind an updated version of an old pick-up line, “What’s a nice place like CA doing with such sleazy politics?” It’s becoming Argentina Norte, which is extremely sad.