Sunday, May 31, 2020

Epitaph for the Mueller Probe

The excellent Andrew McCarthy writes for the Washington Examinerfine column - longish - summarizing the malfeasance of the Obama Administration, its Justice Department, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation under its appointees.

His focus is on the totally phony Russian collusion claim and its intentional government perpetrators. These ‘worthies’ told the public Trump and his people colluded with Russians and then in secret testimony under oath denied any such knowledge.

McCarthy argues that while high level people did very wrong things, it is unlikely any of them will face prosecution. I sincerely hope he is wrong in that judgment. It should be possible to get some clearly guilty underlings to roll on their bosses, in return for lighter sentences.

McCarthy believes prosecutions won’t happen because they’d have a banana republic flavor. Personally, I’d take that risk, the misbehavior had a distinctly third world flavor.