Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Two Good Omens

Yesterday Republicans won two special election House seats, one in Wisconsin, one in ... wait for it ... California! Both will have to keep running as all House seats are “up” this November, but both will have the incumbent’s advantage which is considerable.

The Wisconsin seat was previously held by a Republican. The CA seat was held by Democrat Katie Hill who resigned after nude photos of her combing an aide’s hair surfaced on the Internet. Given the Democrat edge in the House, the victory is valuable mostly symbolically, as a momentum marker.

Believe it or not, CA still sends some Republicans to the House. My CA place is in a county that has been represented by the GOP in the House since 1975, though the county was shifted from CA district 2 to CA district 1 in 2013.

Can you imagine how this conservatism P.O.s the liberals infesting the small college town where I worked? Given their sicko druthers, they’d turn the town into SFnorth - they’re half way there - but the district keeps electing Republican farmers.