Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Weird Animal Behavior Science

The New York Post reports on research which looks at why otters play with rocks. The researchers guess it is a hunger distraction mechanism, but are far from certain.
Otters don’t really “juggle” in the true sense of the word, but they do like to shuffle rocks around while kicking back in the water. They toss them around and manipulate them with surprising dexterity and scientists really wanted to figure out why. Otters in captivity have been observed carrying out this act frequently, though it remains unclear if that is at all related.
Otters are well-known to be playful critters, and this certainly seems like play, like fun. Who says fun is a uniquely human emotion?

Why shouldn’t animals have fun?  Anybody who has watched a flock of birds swooping around the sky in graceful but non-purposeful ways believes animals experience fun.