Sunday, May 3, 2020

Fauci at Fault?

Meanwhile at Power Line, John Hinderaker likely is the angriest of the four who post there. He writes about the recently famous Dr. Anthony Fauci funding research on viruses at the Wuhan lab during the Obama administration, in 2015.

At the very least, Fauci should be asked to explain his reasoning. Why he believed gain-of-function research should be done at all? Why we should fund it in a lab run by a nation unfriendly to us? And whether or not the research he funded there (with our money) could have produced the coronavirus with which we now struggle?

Fauci isn't being asked these questions because neither Trump nor the Democrats, for quite different reasons, want him discredited while we're still in the pandemic hot zone. Once it quiets down I expect GOP senators will subpoena his testimony on this matter before their committees.

This history is unfortunate, because he and Deborah Birx have been decent spokespersons for a scientific but human approach to this respiratory plague.