Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Biden Was There

Ed Driscoll, who guest-blogs at Instapundit, links to an MRC NewsBusters transcript of a George Stephanopoulos interview with presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden on ABC. The subject matter was the extent of his involvement in the attack on Michael Flynn.
Stephanopoulos: What did you know about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn and was there anything improper done?

Biden: I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn, number one. Number two, this is all about diversion....The country is in crisis....He should stop trying to always divert attention from the real concerns of the American people.

Stephanopoulos: I do want to press that. You say you didn’t know anything about it, but you were reported to be at a January 5th, 2017 meeting where you and the President were briefed on the FBI’s plan to question Michael Flynn over those conversations he had with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

Biden: No, I thought you asked me whether or not I had anything to do with him being prosecuted. I’m sorry. I was aware that there was – that they had asked for an investigation, but that’s all I know about it, and I don’t think anything else.
Two thoughts:
  • Very weird, Stephanopoulos almost acted like a real journalist. Will it cost him his job? 
  • Ol’ Joe, the innocent bystander, letting his boss take the rap. Biden’s “I know nothing” above sounds like dim-bulb Sgt. Shultz of Hogan’s Heroes. Playing dumb isn’t a good look for someone who would be elected president.