Monday, January 22, 2024

A Political Oddity

The other DrC was shown the Nevada primary ballot by a neighbor and Trump isn't on it. We're registered in WY so it doesn't affect us directly, but I looked it up out of interest.

Several years go NV Democrats had a messy caucus season. As a consequence the state legislature, controlled at that time by Democrats, passed a bill mandating a primary election in lieu of caucuses.

The NV Republican Party chose not to participate and will continue with party-run caucuses choosing NV's delegates to the nominating convention. So while there are some names on the GOP primary ballot, the party will ignore those results and instead pay attention to the caucus results. 

The caucus process gives additional weight to the opinions of the politically interested and involved. I presume Trump will win the NV GOP delegates, handily. 

Our nearest caucus site is some 40 miles away, in Overton, NV. That is of academic interest only, as we will vote in the WY primary in August and our polling place is maybe 1.5 miles from our home there.