Saturday, January 20, 2024

Urban "Elites" Bite

Pollster Scott Rasmussen surveyed what he called elites. Power Line's John Hinderaker has the story about the survey's findings. 

First, who did Rasmussen consider "elite?" People with a graduate degree and a household income of $150,000 or more, who live in a largish city. And there was a subcategory of those who'd graduated from the top 12 universities, 8 of them Ivies. 

Hinderaker failed to post a link to the Rasmussen findings, if this is corrected later I'll add it. Hinderaker summarizes the findings.

They are extraordinarily loyal to the regime; 84% of them approve of Joe Biden’s performance as president. (snip) And 70% of the “elites” trust the government to do the right thing most of the time; that rises to 89% among those who are “the most politically active members of the elite.” These elites even trust journalists: 79% have a favorable opinion of them.
So how do the elites want to limit our excessive freedom? A shocking 77% say they favor the “strict rationing of gas, meat and electricity.”
These “elites” are fascists. Large majorities want to ban gas stoves (69%), gasoline powered cars (72%), non-essential air travel (55%), SUVs (58%) and air conditioning (53%).

Full disclosure: The DrsC don't qualify as members of the population surveyed. (a) We choose to live in non-urban locales. (b) We don't share any of their political or policy views.