Monday, January 15, 2024

The Immigration Quagmire

Writing at Substack author and journalist John Judis provides a relatively thorough look at the mess that is our immigration "system." For some readers it will be TMI, but to understand all the various moving parts of what we now have, this article is a help.

Spoiler: Judis isn't optimistic that whatever immigration "reform" legislation Congress can agree upon and get signed at the White House will stem the flood of fortune seekers storming our southern and (to some degree) northern borders.

I won't be surprised if presidential candidate Trump talks about deporting large numbers of illegal immigrants while campaigning. I, for one, won't be offended.

I made the above prediction this afternoon. This evening Trump won the Iowa caucuses. In his speech following posting of the results, as predicted, he spoke of many deportations. 


I'm wondering when someone will put 2 and 2 together and propose filling empty billets in our armed services with non-citizen recruits, accepted with the possibility of earning citizenship after several years or upon honorable retirement. 

The military can do "melting pot" via military training and discipline, while deporting those who don't fit in. Might consider doing the whole la Légion étrangère thing: US officers, immigrant NCOs, maybe even a distinctive uniform. 

A major bonus: doing so will drive anti-colonialists absolutely berserk.