Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Year-Round Spring

Today, in very late January, was the perfect desert winter day that snow birds like us spend the big bucks to achieve. We spent a couple of afternoon hours sitting on the back patio, in the shade, in short sleeves, perfectly comfortable, and didn't see a single bug the whole time. 

Not every day is this nice, of course, some have wind or are a bit colder so you'd want a coat to spend time outside. But there are enough days like today, and a bunch more almost as nice, to make the 5-6 months we spend here very pleasant.

Our goal, when we retired was to find places to live that had clement weather most of the time, and we've succeeded. Summer in the high country is almost never hot. Winter daytime temperatures in the desert are almost never cold, nights can go 4-5 degrees below freezing, but normally don't.

With the trend to work-from-home, I expect there will be non-retirees doing what we do in the near future. Emulating migratory waterfowl and changing locale twice a year.