Tuesday, January 2, 2024

ABC Wins

Blessed be video recorders. The DrsC recorded both video feeds of the Rose Parade, those on ABC and NBC. Then we watched both last evening and thereby saw more of the parade, while fast-forwarding thru the ads.

Randomly we began with the NBC version and followed it with the ABC version. This provided a natural experiment. 

We agreed that ABC did the superior job. Their camera work was better, their on-air personalities were less painful, and the commercial breaks were less intrusive. 

The addition of set-piece musical and dance performances loosely tied to floats were a waste of airtime in our view. If memory serves, there were four of these high-energy, low-talent, bad-audio interruptions. 

The other DrC felt the only innovative float was the first, featuring 4-5 “boats.” She judged the rest to be non-memorable. I tended to agree but guessed the organizers’ choice of theme - music - could be blamed.

I liked those little suitcase sized Honda scooters parade officials were riding. I wonder if they are street-legal anywhere?