Thursday, November 7, 2019

A Caveat

The press keeps referring to the six children and three women murdered by cartel gunmen in northern Mexico as “Mormons.” I object to this imprecision as I would if the press referred to Pentecostals as Catholics.

Whether those colonies of dual-citizenship Anglos in northern Mexico are “Mormon” or Latter Day Saints is, at the very least, questionable. They split off from the mainline LDS church based in Salt Lake City around 130 years ago, and moved to Mexico to continue to practice polygamy. I gather they no longer do that.

Some, like Mitt Romney and his dad George rejoined the mainline church and moved back to the States, others perhaps remain a schismatic separate sect. Probably the fairest description is that these families constitute a faith enclave whose ancestors moved to Mexico to set up intentional communities.

Whatever label you choose doesn’t justify this cold-blooded murder of obvious non-combatants. Mexico is trying hard to become the murder capital of the world, on our border.