Thursday, November 7, 2019

Catching Up

A friend and former colleague plus his wife, both retired, stopped by this afternoon. He and I discussed the political situation, about which we disagree more-or-less totally, in a friendly and low key fashion.

I made the point that the President has a great economy, a winding down of foreign wars, and the confirmation of many, many conservative Federal judges. I called these three a trifecta and said they made his reelection possible, maybe even probable.

My Democrat friend replied that if the economy tanked, Trump doesn't have a shot. I agreed that was likely the case.

We were both B-School faculty so we agreed taxing the wealthy doesn't work well because they're too clever about avoiding tax legally. That's how they got wealthy to begin with, we joked, because they were smart about money. So expensive new Federal programs must raise middle class taxes.

He was of the opinion single payer medicine was on the horizon eventually, though how soon isn't clear. I guessed we'd not live to see it, unless we became centenarians.

It was his feeling that the B-school we'd worked at has let its standards slip somewhat since we cleaned our our offices there. I replied I had no idea, being totally out of touch.

One thing's for certain, they don't miss us. Professors are very much interchangeable parts, one leaves, they hire another with similar quals. and keep on truckin'.

After our guests left, the other DrC commented that Millennials are favoring socialism. They're too young to remember when Communists had to build walls to keep people from escaping from socialism to capitalism. And they fail to understand the symbolism of our need to build walls to keep the world's poor from overrunning our capitalist paradise.