Friday, November 15, 2019


The former journalists at Politico don't much like President Trump. That doesn't make them completely unable to write something useful on occasion.

I link you to a column about the President's negotiating style - where it has succeeded and where it hasn't. It turns out The Art of the Deal isn't a bad primer on how he functions, he's all about quid pro quo.

Lippman describes him as "a transactional leader." He's straight about what he wants from you, and wants to know what he'll have to give you to get it.

Expect him to keep trying for a deal he perceives to be advantageous to him; if you like it too, so much the better. If you don't like it, but have to do it anyway, he's also okay with that.

There are those who don't want to do business with him at all, and I suspect he's okay with that, as well. As a developer his style is mostly one-man-band - the sole decision-maker - others get to carry out his decisions.