Saturday, November 9, 2019

Bloomberg Keeps Options Open

On various posts I've shared with you my notion that the field of Democrats seeking the party's nomination is, being kind, lackluster. I may have even called them "charisma-deficient" as I believe that true as well.

The entry of NY billionaire "Little Michael" Bloomberg at this late date indicates he shares that perception and, unlike myself, is disconcerted by his evaluation. His entry, if it actually becomes more than talk, will be bad news for Biden, Klobuchar, and perhaps Buttigieg.

Bloomberg can afford the sort of self-funding Trump used effectively in 2016, flying around in his own full-sized plane with campaign staff aboard, renting helicopters as needed. He can buy all the TV ads he chooses.

On the one hand, it isn't easy to enter the primary season late. On the other hand, as a non-radical he is better positioned to take moderate voters away from Trump than, say, Warren or Sanders. Plus as a very wealthy individual his self-interest in preventing election of a socialist wealth-taxer is obvious and unambiguous.

I conclude by noting that Bloomberg's entry, if it materializes, will make the race more interesting than it would be in his absence.