Thursday, November 14, 2019

Acting Asian?

Power Line's Paul Mirengoff writes about admissions to advanced placement courses in STEM in a Virginia county. Asians are over-represented, African-Americans are under-represented ... I know you are shocked, shocked ... and the NAACP is claiming bias.

It's a longish column looking at possible reasons for the disparity. I wish to comment on one.
There is some evidence that the performance of black students is harmed by peer pressure from other black students not to excel. I don’t know whether this dynamic operates in Loudoun County (or anywhere else). However, it’s a more plausible explanation for failure to excel than bullying by members of other races is.
Excelling in school is derogatorily called "acting white" and the insult really happens. Ironically, the putdown is a misnomer since a majority of white students don't excel.

It would more accurately be called "acting Asian." However let's be clear, doing well in school (or any other lawful endeavor*) shouldn't be criticized by anybody.

*Playing the accordion is a possible exception.