Saturday, November 2, 2019

Trash Talk

Power Line's Paul Mirengoff writes that President Trump's abrasiveness isn't responsible for his accomplishments and, as Mirengoff spells them out, he's correct. However, that isn't the whole story, as I'm guessing Scott Adams would argue.

Trump's combativeness is what helped him get elected. His pose of being "on offense" most of the time motivates his voting base.

He's a fighter even when, strictly speaking, he doesn't need to be. He doesn't need the abrasiveness to do individual accomplishments, but he needs it to win the office (and reelection) without which he can't do the accomplishments.

His base is sick to death of Pelosi, Schumer, the squad, the tame socialists, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, and the legacy media. He trolls them effectively so they become deranged and act silly. In athletics we'd call what he does "trash talk."