Monday, November 4, 2019

The Sort-Out Continues

For those keeping track, here is a Los Angeles Times article about conservatives leaving California to move to places more congruent with their values and beliefs. Texas and Idaho are featured as frequent destinations, and Kansas gets an honorable mention.

I am personally acquainted with people who’ve moved from CA to Nevada, Idaho, and Wyoming for the very economic and cultural compatibility reasons the article notes. I, of course, tend to know retirees as I am one.

Texas is an especially good destination for those who are still actively employed. It has been a jobs magnet for at least a decade. Hat tip to Drudge Report for the link.


When the great sort-out is mostly complete the nation will consist of blocs of states with largely homogeneous ideological and world view perspectives. These blocs will find each other mutually incomprehensible, and frankly repellant.

This bifurcated nation could break up peacefully like Czechoslovakia in a Velvet Divorce. Or fall apart like Yugoslavia in bloody warfare and localized genocide.

Alternatively, it might remain together via extreme federalism. Federalism in these polarized circumstances would be as hard to manage as is joint child custody following a bitter divorce.