Friday, November 1, 2019

Historical Comparison

The Financial Times has a very interesting comparison of the state of the U.S. today and the state of the Roman Catholic Church in the decades leading up to Martin Luther and the Reformation. In fact author Edward Luce compares President Trump to Rodrigo de Borja (Borgia), aka Pope Alexander VI.

It isn't a flattering comparison, obviously, but it is (quoting Arte Johnson) "verrrry intereshtink" and thought-provoking. Those were unrestful times, these are too.

I believe the comparison is semi-valid, but the so-called "deep state" is today's equivalent of a corrupt church hierarchy. Trump is a reformer trying to dial back its self-serving corruption and facing massive resistance from those whose rice bowls are threatened.

Our times have an "overripe" feeling, do they not? I'm no renaissance scholar, so the times remind me of the vision of late Weimar, Germany, portrayed in the film Cabaret.