Monday, November 18, 2019

Bloomberg's Mea Culpa

Mike Bloomberg was a law-and-order mayor of New York City. He supported the then-in-vogue policy of stop-and-frisk policing promoted by James Q. Wilson and sometimes referred to as "broken windows" or proactive policing. His pro-police track record was one reason some Republicans might have been willing to vote for him in the November election.

Quite recently, Bloomberg apologized for his former policies. City Journal describes what happened:
Yesterday, addressing a predominantly black crowd at the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn, Bloomberg apologized for the NYPD’s policing practices during his three-term mayoral tenure. “I was wrong,” Bloomberg said, “And I am sorry.”
And then author Rafael A. Mangual characterizes what this means:
Bloomberg’s act of contrition further confirms that the Democratic Party no longer can accommodate, at least at the presidential level, candidates who support fundamental aspects of the American criminal-justice system—a system now viewed on the left as wholly corrupt and irredeemably racist.
The thin blue LEO line is all that stands between you and Hobbesian anarchy. Sicko Democrats hate it, and you for supporting it.