Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Joys of Small Town Life

Business Insider has a good article by a fellow who moved from Los Angeles to a tiny town in eastern Idaho, named Victor. If you're trying to place where Victor is, think basically due west of Jackson, WY, across Teton Pass and the state line on WY 22.

He writes about the things in Victor that caused him and his wife culture shock. the DrsC have had many of these same "wow, that's different" experiences in western WY. Seeing empty cars with keys in the ignition at the grocery, for example, maybe even with the engine running and no dog guarding.

Our builder built himself a big place backed up to the national forest. When we visited there, we noticed he'd not gotten around to installing a deadbolt on the otherwise unlocked front door. We commented on it and were certain they laughed about our naiveté after we left.

And yes, hunting is one of the major preoccupations of darned near everyone who lives there year-round. We know couples who shoot, butcher and freeze two big elk a year and eat very little store-bought meat.

Our politics at least are congruent with locals' views. There are jurisdictions in WY where no Democrat bothers to run, and the race is decided in the primary among the Republicans running.