Monday, November 11, 2019

Bloomberg Reconsidered

I’ve been having second thoughts about the Bloomberg candidacy-in-embryo. It is hard to see who his natural constituency is among Democrat primary voters.

A New York Post article reports an over-the-weekend poll that found Bloomberg with 4% choosing him as their favorite, leaving him in 6th place. OTOH, most non-New Yorkers know relatively little about his governing style while mayor, and might want to learn more before choosing.

Bloomberg was a law-and-order mayor, I doubt he is popular with black voters. The tax-the-billionaires crew now following Sanders and Warren aren’t going to love billionaire Bloomberg.

Bloomberg wanted to tell people not to drink soft drinks, and generally acted like their nanny, libertarians will hate him. His slighting comments about #MeToo won’t play well with feminists and I don’t see the LGBTQ crowd switching from Buttigieg.

I conclude he appeals to white moderates, a group that has benefited from the Trump economy and probably rarely votes in primaries anyway. He may have a pretty good electability pitch, and executive experience running our biggest city.

His brag that “Trump can’t outspend me” might be Bloomberg‘s strongest campaign slogan. A Trump-Bloomberg contest could be the most expensive presidential race ever.

The very fact that Bloomberg is someone for whom a few Republicans could consider voting is enough to disqualify him as the Democrat nominee.