Monday, November 18, 2019

CA Gas Car Ban Reconsidered

About CA's gas-car ban, I've had some second thoughts concerning questions the Bee's article didn't answer. It used the word "sedans," does that mean gas-powered SUVs are okay? How about vans?

Assuming SUVs are exempt, what's to keep state agencies from switching all vehicle purchases to SUVs? Many private citizens have already made that switch. Even the Highway Patrol buys a mixed fleet of sedans and SUVs.

Another issue, how about compressed natural gas powered vehicles? CNG pollutes less, are they okay? Or does it truly mean the only non-LEO sedans the state can purchase are electric vehicles?

We need to learn more about what really has transpired. Newsom's announcement, while great high-status virtue-signaling, may amount to very little in practice.