Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Good News

While the flashy impeachment action takes place in the House, the Senate quietly goes on confirming conservative judges. See what the Washington Examiner reports:
The Tuesday confirmation of Judge Robert J. Luck created a majority for Republican-appointed judges on the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals, the third such party flip in a federal court of appeals during the Trump presidency.

President Trump has also created GOP majority courts in the Third Circuit, which flipped in March, and the Second Circuit, which flipped last week with the confirmation of Steven Menashi. Since Trump assumed office in 2017, 163 title III judges have been confirmed to the bench, including Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
This is good news and there is more of it to come. Elected officials come and go, judges serve for decades. Hold a kind thought for Mitch McConnell when you're depressed about the day's alarmist headlines.