Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Blame the Culture

Those who watch Latin America are reflecting on how the departure of Bolivia's Evo Morales is a part of some "pink wave" ebbing. I believe they make too much of the 'leftness' of Morales and certain others.

What I see is the people of Latin America alternating between leftists and rightists in their search for decent government. Interestingly, both extremes claim to be the solution to their nations' problems but neither delivers what the voters seek.

What nobody in Latin America wants to face is that the Iberian colonial culture is the root cause of their problems. Leftist or rightist politicians aren't the solution because they aren't the cause of the problem.

When their leaders inevitably misbehave, it is because their culture commands they favor family over country and most - left or right - obey. Doing so they end up serving their family, at the expense of the state.

We in the U.S. are not immune from these pressures, but we resist them better than most places and at least sometimes punish people who act selfishly. Recent examples of punishees include college-entrance scammers Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin.