Sunday, April 12, 2020

A Doctor Reflects

Power Line regular Scott Johnson shares a column written by Seth Corey, an OH medical school prof/researcher reflecting on the Chinese virus mess we’re currently living through. All of it is thoughtful, I particularly liked his conclusion.
Lesson to be learned by all: All models are wrong, but some are useful.

Either one is dead or alive (none of the Schrodinger’s cat business). Either one is employed or not….Lesson to be learned not soon enough: economic and mental health concerns need to be factored into public health policy. This is not just an infectious disease pandemic.

Keep calm. Wash your hands. Avoid sick people. Avoid physical contact with high risk people. Get rest. Eat well. Keep hydrated. Take zinc. Wear a mask. Support your local businesses. Thank a healthcare worker. Be kind.
To which I’d add, avoid crowds and thank the cashier at your supermarket and those who’ve kept the food pipeline filled. As a society we need to be better prepared next time, see above.