Saturday, April 18, 2020

Prosecutorial Backbone Needed

The New York Post reports a new ugliness, criminals there are spitting on police and jail guards. Their obvious hope is to (a) create fear of CoV infection and/or (b) sicken or kill the officer by means of infecting him or her with the sometimes fatal disease.

It is likely NYC has a liberal prosecutor who will probably choose to look the other way. The NYPD should work to rule* until such individuals are prosecuted for (a) attempt to do great bodily harm, or (b) attempted murder if the perp is sick at the time he spits. At minimum, police should be authorized to respond to spitters with a blast of pepper spray in the face.

*Working to rule means doing nothing discretionary, doing the minimum required by union contract to avoid disciplinary action. Refusing overtime is an example, calling in sick ("blue flu") is a more extreme example.