Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Economic Intercourse?

CBS Miami interviewed presumptive Democrat nominee for president Joe Biden, during which he made the following comments, transcript at the Daily Wire.
I would get much more engaged in the world, we can’t step back. If in fact, for example, we solve the problem in the United States of America and you don’t solve it in other parts of the world, you know what’s going to happen? You’re going to have travel bans, you’re going to not be able to do, have economic intercourse around the world.
Biden's use of "economic intercourse" is absolutely correct English and makes perfect sense as used, as a synonym for "foreign trade." It could also accurately, if sarcastically, refer to prostitution.

You'd hope a candidate for president who stands accused of sexual assault by a former employee would avoid this sort of double entendre in laying out (pun intended) his foreign policy. His candidacy will be fun to watch and comment upon ... tres snarkalicious.