Saturday, April 25, 2020

Plague Diary

This time of year we live a couple of hours drive north of the CA state capital, Sacramento. We had occasion to go into our nearby small town this early afternoon to pick up a birthday cake and a few groceries.

We weren't quite the only people in the grocery wearing face masks. I saw a few others, but most were unmasked and somewhat half-hearted about social distancing too.

This was the first time the market had available a choice of toilet paper brands. When the lock-down started I believe I wrote that I'd believe it was ending when toilet paper reappeared in the stores. I guess I have to say we've reached that milestone. They were still out of yeast which a relative doesn't have and would like if we can send him some.

I look forward to taking a CoV antibody test sometime in the next few weeks, to see if I have had a mostly symptomless case. Neither result will surprise me; I'm genuinely uncertain if I had a brush with it or merely the spring allergies.