Saturday, April 18, 2020

Plague Irony

The DrsC are fans of the 1997 science fiction/comedy film The Fifth Element, with Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich, and recently rewatched it. Later the other DrC saw another film with Ms. Jovovich scheduled on TV and recorded it, a film neither of us had heard of, Ultraviolet.

Tonight, we decided to play it, and watched perhaps 7 minutes. At which point we said to each other, "No way in blazes," turned it off and deleted it.

What turned us off so severely? That it is about an engineered virus and attempts to defeat same. We both said roughly, "We're living through this, a movie about it won't be entertaining."

When Ultraviolet came out in 2006 a man-made plague was hypothetical, and perhaps therefore a nice doomsday plot line. Today it is too "on the nose."