Sunday, April 5, 2020

Anti-CCP Snark from Oz

Instapundit links to a letter-and-rebuttal published in the Sydney Daily Telegraph. The letter is the Chinese Consulate General channeling his government's negative reaction (in italics) to the DT's reporting about the Wuhan virus, to which the paper's Tim Blair makes a biting point-by-point response. Here are three choice examples:
Recently the Daily Telegraph has published a number of reports and opinions about China’s response to COVID-19 that are full of ignorance, prejudice and arrogance.
If a state-owned newspaper in China received this kind of complaint, subsequent days would involve journalists waking up in prison with their organs harvested.

The origin of the virus is still undetermined, and the World Health Organization has named the novel coronavirus “COVID-19”.
The World Health Organisation also appointed Zimbabwean murderer Robert Mugabe as its Goodwill Ambassador and declared on March 2 that the “stigma” of the coronavirus “is more dangerous than the virus itself”. The World Health Organisation does a lot of stupid stuff.

The effectiveness of China's epidemic prevention and control has fully underlined the people-centred philosophy of the Communist Party of China and the strong advantages of the Chinese system.
In 2018, Amnesty International reported that China executed more citizens than the rest of the world combined. Please tell us more about your “people-centred philosophy” and how many bullets it requires.
Nice how un-PC Ozzies are, China loses face big time. The rebuttal is both bitterly funny and substantially accurate, go read it all. Note: Oz uses the Brit spelling of "organisation" while the Chinese use the American spelling - "organization."