Saturday, April 4, 2020

A Light Moment

Did you happen to see President Trump's afternoon Covid-19 press conference yesterday? He said something funny, sorta under his breath, as a throwaway line. I'll try to reprise it for you.

Some media person asked a question that caused one of the task force persons other than POTUS to speak about various models of how the disease might progress through our country. Then the President came to the microphone and said something like, "I don't have a lot to do with models ... well this kind of model anyway...." and he went on to say something serious about the government's work to try to help localities deal with the disease.

As he said it the camera cut away to a media person grinning, and quickly cut back. Trump had obviously made a sly reference to his well-documented, never denied fondness for great looking ladies, including former model and current FLOTUS Melania.

It was pretty clear he heard himself claiming not much involvement with models and realized how the multiple meanings of the word "model" made that statement laughable. It was a light moment in an otherwise heavy discussion of very serious stuff. I certainly wasn't offended, but imagine Democrats were incensed as always.