Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Suspension of Immigration and Related Thoughts

Huge numbers are unemployed as a result of coronavirus shutdowns of their workplaces. In reaction, President Trump intends to turn off legal immigration for some period during the Covid-19 crisis.

His goal is to block new green card foreign workers competing with laid off American workers. How is this anything but sensible?

Tech firm leaders love the H1b visa because it nets them malleable low-wage programmers and engineers from India, China, and elsewhere, and saves them salary money. Belt-tightening in Silicon is the least we can ask of billionaire technerds. They can do their part in this pandemic too.

And of course, continued enforcement of illegal immigration is needed to protect our out-of-work blue collar folks. Illegals compete with them for less-exalted jobs.

Former SecState John Kerry was quoted on MSNBC as saying Trump is not the leader of the free world, and he's probably correct that there isn't one. Trump is elected by us to lead the U.S. and, where it is mutually beneficial, work with those chosen to lead other nations.

Trump understands The Wizard of Id version of the Golden Rule, namely that he who has the gold, makes the rules. Nations want to sell things to the U.S. and Trump can either facilitate or impede their ability to do so, meaning he can turn on or off the "gold" in the form of dollars.

Unlike some other presidents, Trump is willing to use this leverage to improve the "deal" we get from trading partners in return. More power to him.