Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Hemingway on the Biden Accusation

Scott Johnson at Power Line posts audio of an interview of Federalist columnist and Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway by DC radio host Larry O'Connor done five days ago. Her topic, how differently the media have treated allegations of sexual impropriety against Supreme Court nominee Bret Kavanaugh and presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden.

As Hemingway points out, the differences are night and day, black and white, "believe all women" vs. "boys will be boys." She is absolutely unsparing in her critique of the media's near-total failure to cover the Biden allegations, compared to the full-court press to which media subjected Kavanaugh.

Hemingway notes that, unlike Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford, Biden accuser Tara Reade told people (who remember it) what happened to her when it happened, not decades later. The interview lasts about 16 minutes and is worth your time.