Monday, March 14, 2022

A One-Sided War?

HuffPost entitles a recent piece “There Is A Culture War - And The GOP Is Waging It.” No kidding, all by ourselves? 

The article makes fun of a Democrat poll that shows voters think Democrats have put too much energy into culture war issues. HuffPost rebuts this with a list of actions Republican state legislatures have taken to roll back culture war incursions made by progressives. With their usual lack-of-self-awareness, their incursions represent simple justice, and the GOP roll-backs are the “culture war.”

Each side believes it seeks only simple justice while the other is fighting a culture war. In truth, both sides are not only waging a culture war, both engage in propaganda and misrepresent the other’s motives.

Conservatives believe we had a good country and progressives disagree. Starting in the 1960s progressives began a “march through the institutions” to change it. Conservatives with varying degrees of success have fought to restrain or roll back the changes. 

Public opinion has changed over the past half century, become mildly more progressive. However, what the poll finds is that the Democrats have gotten out beyond where the electorate is currently. This enables conservative legislatures to enact roll-backs as has happened in TX, FL and some other states. 

In case you hadn’t noticed, the Culture War continues apace with both sides fully engaged and each side winning the occasional battle.