Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Wisconsin Investigates

The legislature in Wisconsin authorized an Office of Special Counsel to investigate irregularities in the the 2020 voting and vote counting procedures. It was headed up by a retired state Supreme Court justice. 

The group found significant irregularities in both procedures and the targeting of Zuckerberg get-out-the-vote monies solely to heavily Democratic counties. The Federalist has an excellent article which details some of those problems.

Nobody in authority is claiming these problems will overturn the 2020 election results. The purpose of the Office of Special Counsel is to determine what was irregular and suggest to the legislature what laws it might enact to correct or prevent these in future elections.

Other states with out-of-pattern results might well emulate Wisconsin's forthright action in examining what was done, with similar results. The 2020 election was anomalous, no question. I doubt we will ever know with certainty if it was, in John Kass' words, "rigged" but many believe it was hinky.

Perhaps historians will conclude the outcome was a wave of Karen-ish rejection of a president who was a flamboyant reality TV star with a penchant for marrying super models and posting mean Tweets. It is otherwise hard to explain how a masked machine politician could be elected president after desultorily campaigning from a basement in (?) Delaware.