Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Bland Won

Power Line's Steven Hayward posts findings of a recent NBC News poll which show President Biden's approval ratings have struck a new low, compared to earlier results by the same polling organization. They don't add a lot to what we already knew.

Except this chart, which shows results I believe we haven't seen elsewhere.

The "disliked opponent" vote comprised some 34% of voters, and Biden was ahead +18 on that metric. The "liked candidate" vote comprised some 53% of voters, and Trump won that segment by +13. Bottom line, Trump was the more popular candidate but also the more unpopular candidate. 

Biden won by being less disliked which, memory suggests, was because he stayed out of sight in his basement and took few positions. To help Democrats running this November, Brandon should keep as low a profile as he can between now and then without his very absence becoming an issue. 

I offer the following caution. Registered voters were asked to recall their motivation 16 months prior, and we have every reason to believe some of them 'edited' their motivation based on Biden's lame performance since his inauguration 14 months ago. 

Some of the 26% who claim to have voted against Trump actually liked Biden then but feel his performance-in-office makes their liking look foolish in retrospect, as they now experience "buyer's remorse." TDS still seems defensible.