Thursday, March 17, 2022

St. Patrick's Day

I am reliably informed today is St. Patrick's Day, although why this should matter to me is unclear. Neither of the DrsC has any known Irish ancestry nor much interest in spiritus frumenti.

In the decades when we were both faculty at a university* in CA, St. Pat's became the day when students attempted to get drunk early and stay drunk late. Bars opened in the morning and much green beer was consumed. 

It got so bad the university began to schedule its spring break, formerly Easter vacation week, such that the uni wasn't in session during St. Paddy's Day. The theory was that, if the kids drank themselves to death (actually happened on one or more occasions) or were in car wrecks, they were home or in Cabo and the school wasn't responsible even indirectly. 
*I fear our former employer has become the butt of some not-entirely-friendly humor, as seen in this Kurt Schlichter column for Townhall. Our students maybe partied harder than some others, but my exams and grade curve were plenty serious and I know there were teaching credential candidates the other DrC washed out.