I noted yesterday that I didn't watch Joe Biden's SOTU address on Tuesday. I suppose I felt I had to explain not watching.
Tonight the Daily Wire is reporting that only 38 million Americans watched it. By my calculations that is roughly 11% of our population, roughly one person in nine.
It turns out that most people made the same choice I made, and no explanation on my part was necessary. Who knew?
The most recent popularity surveys show roughly 7 people in 20 think Biden is doing an okay job. I have to think their version of "okay" is a president one can safely ignore, a nonentity.
Flamboyant Trump was hard to ignore. Biden makes ignoring the POTUS easy, lots of days he has no press availability whatsoever.
So Biden gives his ballyhooed set-piece SOTU speech during a time of international warfare and 8 people out of 9 give it a hard pass. That right there is some serious, world-class ignoring.