Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Leaving It All Behind

Politico has a human interest story with a current events flavor you might enjoy, I know I did. It is written by an American expat - Michele A. Berdy - who studied Russian in college, moved to Moscow 40 years ago and worked there, most recently as a journalist for the Moscow Times. She has now left with her dog. 

I'd thought the Moscow Times was Russian government English language propaganda like RT, she alleges it is not, and it is "registered in the Netherlands." Anyway, she'd kept her US passport current and felt in the current environment she had to leave. That "environment" includes a new law that anyone in Russia who prints or promulgates anti-government materials can be jailed.

She's done what journalists do, write a column out of her personal necessity, and it is quite good. She now resides and works - still for Moscow Times - in a Russian neighborhood in Riga, Latvia, which may not be much protection if the balloon goes up. 

Her column is a good companion piece to the earlier post about the "last train to Helsinki." Ms. Berdy took a van over the really bad Russian roads to Estonia, with a group of other escapees. The DrsC went by tour bus from Tallinn to St. Petersburg and those roads - like almost everything in Russia - are not maintained.